Pentest Tools
Published on May 16th, 2015 📆 | 6964 Views ⚑
0Plecost – WordPress Fingerprinting Tool
Plecost is a WordPress fingerprinting tool, it can search and retrieve information about the plug-in versions installed in a WordPress installation. It can be used to analyse a single URL or perform an analysis based on the results indexed by Google.
Additionally it also displays the CVE code associated with each plug-in vulnerability, if any exist.
What’s New?
This Plecost v1.0.1 (major release) has a lot of new features and fixes, like:
- Code rewritten in Python 3.
- Thread support removed, now runs faster & uses less memory with Python 3 asyncio and non-blocking connections.
- Changed CVE update system and storage: Now Plecost get vulnerabilities directly from NIST and create a local SQLite data base with filtered information for WordPress and their plugins.
- WordPress Core vulnerabilities: Now Plecost also manage WordPress Core Vulnerabilities (not only for the plug-ins).
- Add local vulnerability database are queryable. You can consult the vulnerabilities for a concrete WordPress or plug-ins without, using the local database.
- Installation via pip
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You can download Plecost here:
Or read more here.