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Published on May 26th, 2014 📆 | 2821 Views ⚑


NTOMobile On-Demand static analysis security testing (SAST)

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NTOMobile On-Demand combines static analysis security testing (SAST), NTOSpider’s dynamic application security testing (DAST) and expert pen testers to deliver comprehensive and effective mobile application security testing services. Leveraging the power of NTOSpider’s DAST capabilities, NTOMobile On-Demand is the only mobile security solution available capable of effectively and automatically testing the web services that power mobile back ends and that leverage new technologies like REST, JSON and SOAP.


NTOMobile On-Demand delivers more comprehensive web application security coverage of users’ custom web service implementations than any other solution available.

The benefits and key features of NTOMobile On-Demand include:

  • Combines static & dynamic analysis with pen testing
  • Powered by NTOSpider
  • Capable of testing web services built in REST, JSON and SOAP
  • Priced on a per application per year basis

NTO Mobile On-Demand

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