Pentest Tools

Published on December 31st, 2015 📆 | 8020 Views ⚑


jSQL Injection v0.73 – Java Tool For Automatic SQL Database Injection.
jSQL Injection is a lightweight application used to find database information from a distant server.

jSQL is free, open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris).

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jSQL is part of Kali Linux, the official new BackTrack penetration distribution.

jSQL is also included in Black Hat Sec, ArchAssault Project, BlackArch Linux and Cyborg Hawk Linux.


Change log
Coming... i18n arabic russian chinese integration, next db engines: SQLite Access MSDE...
v0.73 Authentication Basic Digest Negotiate NTLM and Kerberos, database type selection
v0.7 Batch scan, Github issue reporter, support for 16 db engines, optimized GUI
alpha-v0.6 Speed x 2 (no more hex encoding), 10 db vendors supported: MySQL Oracle SQLServer PostgreSQL DB2 Firebird Informix Ingres MaxDb Sybase. JUnit tests, log4j, i18n integration and more.

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0.5 SQL shell, Uploader.
0.4 Admin page search, Brute force (md5 mysql...), Decoder (decode encode base64 hex md5...).
0.3 Distant file reader, Webshell drop, Terminal for webshell commands, Configuration backup, Update checker.
0.2 Time based algorithm, Multi-thread control (start pause resume stop), Shows URL calls.

Download jSQL Injection v0.73

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