October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
iSpeech.org 神は偉大なり聖戦士マダラさんに教えて頂いた、ロイロゲームレコーダーを使って見ました。 2006年に発売されたゲームですが、もう10年近く経っていますが未だにやっています。元々千円程のゲームなのですが、シンプルながらついついやってしまうと言う。1回30分くらいで遊べます。モチーフは昔の核戦争映画「ウォーゲーム」イメージのゲームで、ワイヤーフレームというかむしろベクタースキャン風の画面で、静かに戦うゲームです。静かなんですが、実際起こっていることを考えると恐ろしいのですが、音楽がまた、よく出来ていてその雰囲気を出していると思います。 体験版でも二人までながら遊べます。自分はSteam以前に直販売の時から買っていましたが、入れ直してからパッチを当てたりの手間が面倒になり結局Steamで買い直しました。(セール時は250円位の時があります) デモ版はこちらにあります。 http://www.4gamer.net/patch/demo/defcon/defcon.shtml 2015-10-31 16:47:55 source
October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
https://www.ispeech.org Ghost Security Group is a counterterrorism organization that combats extremism on the digital front lines of today using the
October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
iSpeech New Context Conference 2015. Joi Ito will lead the conference on "hacking the human body" and discuss its future
October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
iSpeech The International cyber security and privacy standards workshop which was being conducted in the pink city Jaipur finally came
October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
https://www.ispeech.org/text.to.speechWhatsApp, one of the most popular online calling apps, has been exposed by a group of researchers who identified how
October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
https://www.ispeech.orgIf you read the news on a regular basis, you will find that most of the cyber security or data protection
October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
TTS Demo The security expert Ebrahim Hegazy has published an interesting post detailing his discovery of a new Magento Remote
October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
iSpeech.org British Police have arrested a second teenage boy in relation to the major hack on the servers of UK-based
October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
iSpeech Is the Chinese conspiring against the United States? Former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden was able to
October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
https://www.ispeech.org/text.to.speech Microsoft to make Windows 10 an automatic “recommended” update from next year for Windows 7/8 users It is an
October 31st, 2015 | 🕒
text to speech Google has been asked to remove more than 1,000,000,000 search results relating to pirated torrents links It seems
October 30th, 2015 | 🕒
iSpeech Exploit SQL Injection using BurpSuite and SQLMap 2015-10-30 16:16:10 source
October 30th, 2015 | 🕒
tts Breakout session from DevWeek 2015 http://devweek.com/ DevWeek is the UK’s leading conference for professional software developers, architects and analysts.
October 30th, 2015 | 🕒
Powered by iSpeechDifferential Analysis of Malware in Memory (DAMM) is a tool built on top of Volatility Framework. Its main