Cyber Attack | Data Breach

Published on March 7th, 2016 📆 | 3034 Views ⚑



Anonymous Hacked The Donald Trump's Voicemail Messages

According to Gawker, In addition to those from the MSNBC personalities, there were messages from longtime Barack Obama advisor David Axelrod, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, and boxing promoter Don King, all of whom spoke to Trump in a friendly and familiar manner.

Those number who are still working, the group has managed a Verizon customer support representative into resetting the voicemail's PIN. Voicemail is being access by the hackers, which contained full of messages like old, new and some of them months ago.

The voice of Shaggy from Scooby Doo has been left in a voicemail inbox by a hacker. The hacker group decided to change the message of outgoing voicemail when they deleted and downloaded all the contents of the voicemail inbox. The modified outgoing voicemail message is only heard by one people when calling the number.

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In last summer when the phone numbers have been leaked then Trump's facing many prank calls, so at last the presidential candidate changes his voicemail with his standard campaign message to get rid of it. That standard campaign message stated an urge to donate to his presidential campaign via his website.This message has been deleted by the hackers, and it has been recorded in the voice of Matthew Lillard. The users have redirected to a 4chan forum board (contains a lot of pornography).

All the voicemail messages sent to Gawker by hackers when the target is achieved by the hackers they sent an email to the Gawker. That email contained all the downloaded images, that was released by Gawker to the public. Among those images two are from Tamron Hall and one from Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.

According to the Gawker, those images seems to them as real and genuine. Other images appeared to be related to the following:
  • Boxing promoter Don King, and David Axelrod.
  • New England Patriots NFL quarterback Tom Brady.
  • The chief strategist of Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns.

When the Gawker outed the number, then it found that all other messages are just prank calls. As earlier Hacktivist group Anonymous announced to declared war on Trump in December, when he called for a ban on Muslims to entering in the United States.

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